Post by Belle Pullman on Apr 25, 2004 22:57:11 GMT
Just back from Jodie's gig at the Chapel Bar, she sounded GREAT! From where I was sitting (On those treacherously comfortable sofas, moving my bad shoulder as little as possible) I had a great view, until these guys stood directly in front of me, when I got a great view of their asses. There was the odd moment of amusing dancing from them tho! Every now and then I caught a glimpse of our girl... I'll save the song-by-song analysis for later, but she rocked. Of course! She also sang a couple of quieter numbers, which really showed the sweeter side of her voice, which is heavenly! There wasn't much in between the real Rock and swweet ballad tho- Song choice I think, didn't display that mid-range. Her opening number was Mamma Mia, was brilliant! I did find all the flash photography very distracting tho- seeing a performance with allthe flashes really makes you appreciate why it'sd banned in theatres! Loads of faces to spot in the audience- Mig and Simone, Niel Murray, Adam Murray, (Mazz Murray... nah, fits the pattern tho!) loads of other actory-types, and the hard-core WWRY fans, plus my bun-dancers. grr. Ah well. My dad enjoyed it, Mazz and Markk might have even noticed a bit of what wwas going on between their canoodling! Nah, they were fairly decorous, but I don't think Jodie's dad approved of Mazz's fisnet top much!
Post by Jouley on Apr 25, 2004 23:15:08 GMT
nyaww!!! sounds like she was fabulous!
*uber jealous*
Post by gagagirl on Apr 26, 2004 9:11:16 GMT
Post by Belle Pullman on Apr 26, 2004 17:55:24 GMT
Well, if it had been me I'd have asked her to pose specifically for photos, or caught her between songs... She did look gorgeous! When I could see her, that is!
Post by Jouley on Apr 26, 2004 18:26:00 GMT
aww, she looks so young in that picture! the lighting and angle.. still as beautiful as ever though!!
Mad_saz, im gonna email caitlin the website in a few minutes, so she can have it on her puter to show.. and then ill work on some more images.. i dont have that many good clear shots of Jodie yet, to use in banners, but ill try and make do!
*really wishing she coulda been there last night* le sigh...
Post by Madsaz on Apr 27, 2004 12:29:05 GMT
Belle i hope you really arnt in too much pain with the shoulder and stuff.. sorry to hear it isnt better.. he he he Yeh Jodies dad was a lil bit he he he na they were cool about it and Jodies mum was saying how she thought marks hair was interestign and stuff..... Yeah jennie and others were beign kinda anoying.. i Hope i wasnt anoying and i appologise now if i was it wasnt me takign the pictures and yeh it was a lil bit anoying.... Hope it didnt distract you too much!! It was an awesome night but i agree not all of the songs showed her full potential. it was still a great night! And im sorry caitlin wasnt too receptive with the moeny i know you musta been upset abotu it and stuff soo yeh Jouley- What are you sending her? designs and stuff? we need to talk abotuit but when we do if we do i will let you know! Yeah those guys were dancign a bit lol he he he and singing! But yeh Mig, simone and Alex were just sittign down at the front! Jodies mum and dad are so nice! Mwah xx Oh and Jouley i will show you al my pics when i get round to it!
Post by Wrench on Apr 27, 2004 14:35:16 GMT
On t'other hand, Caitlin told me about the Koln WWRY opens tomorrow. Ooh, should I be good and go to college, or stupid, and go to the audition?
And Markk and I weren't canoodling. Much. Not enough to miss the reason we were there, anyway.
Jodie's mum looks fun... but yeah, I'm certain that from the number of evils her father shot in my direction that my dress sense was not appreciated. He seemed happy enough, though, clapping on the off-beat.
Hehe. MiG on a box.
Post by gagagirl on Apr 27, 2004 15:48:01 GMT
mig on a box wot?.. he was on the floor? hehe yeah.. go 2 the audition would be fun!!! ohh well i apoligise again belle for the flashes!!!
Post by Madsaz on Apr 27, 2004 16:04:53 GMT
He he he he!! Yeh he was clapping loads so i thought hey what the hell ill join in too!!! lol but yeh was clappign a lil bit off but was all good!! Yeh! well i had fun another night i will not forget!
Post by Wrench on Apr 27, 2004 16:35:14 GMT
I just asked him a question about Queen of the Damned.