Mar 4, 2009 5:51:00 GMT
Post by kovitlac on Mar 4, 2009 5:51:00 GMT
Mar 4, 2009 11:29:16 GMT
Post by Forest on Mar 4, 2009 11:29:16 GMT
Lol! Those are great! I love the one about Johnny and the fair - cracked me up the most. It's scary though, looking at films like that in this day and age, that we can't stop thinking "Okay, so if this was real life, little Johnny would be being driven away by some loony now...".
Thanks for sharing! And you're right - they really are addicting!
Mar 4, 2009 15:12:46 GMT
Post by kovitlac on Mar 4, 2009 15:12:46 GMT
You're very welcome! If you're not opposed to spending a lot of time waiting for youtube to load, I'd suggest you watch some of the movies I used to watch them while they were still airing on tv, and so many of them are absolutely priceless XD As for actually buying the videos, I know they are not at Blockbuster... I'm sure I could find some of them online. The only one I've had on dvd was a collection of these shorts, and my dad had barrowed that from a friend. That's actually when I first fell in love with the show
Mar 9, 2009 14:01:38 GMT
Post by exedore on Mar 9, 2009 14:01:38 GMT
My favourite MST3K short was always "Young Man's Fancy", which was about how modern electronic appliances allowed a girl to land her brother's best friend.
Mar 10, 2009 18:17:30 GMT
Post by kovitlac on Mar 10, 2009 18:17:30 GMT
I remember watching on from the Shorts dvd, where it showed scientists holding lab rats, and the robots and the guys were all screaming "SAVE ME! SAVE ME!..."
On youtube, you can also find Master Chief Theater 3000, which is, of course, a Halo-theme parody.