Post by Memphis on Sept 27, 2005 23:44:09 GMT
If you've registered but are having problems posting please leave a message here. We have lots of new registered people, not so many new posters.... there may be something wrong with the system.
I think I know what needs doing to allow you to post, but you need to let us know there is a problem. With Belle being off to college she isn't going to have as much time to deal with these things, so leave a message with the user name you have registered with here so I have the chance do something about it too.
It may take up to 24 hours for us to see your post and deal with it, so please bare with us.
Memphis deranged mod extrodinaire
Post by Belle Pullman on Sept 28, 2005 12:55:08 GMT
Found it! Firstly, I'm REALLY SORRY! Everyone who's tried to register since the new Proboards came in has been sitting on a LONG list of "pending" members. I've approved everybody, and I've changed the settings so everyone who registers automatically becomes a member. It's easy enough to control any trouble-makers who do register, far easier than individually approving each new member. So it's all good! I just hope that those who registered and didn't get approved until now are still around and will now start posting... god I feel bad about this...
Post by Memphis on Sept 28, 2005 16:58:50 GMT
Cool, but I think we should leave this thread just in case yeah Belle?
Post by Belle Pullman on Sept 28, 2005 17:19:00 GMT
Yup. Although we're quite limited on what we can do to get accounts working, we can try!
Post by Memphis on Sept 28, 2005 18:06:42 GMT
We are.... but at least it looks like we are trying, which we will be ;D
Post by Cera on Nov 23, 2005 1:42:26 GMT
kitten here... >:(ok, now this sucks! i've tried three times and still cant get in, despite it saying that i'm logged in! Memphis help!*paces in frustration...* i hope MSN isnt being a brat again... and why does the idex still remain after i click on the forum? that's a new thing... sorry about my rantings...
Post by Memphis on Nov 23, 2005 2:08:26 GMT
Ok, you log in and it says you are logged in, but you can't see any of the forums apart from the general one? Have you changed your cookie settings or internet security recently? That sometimes will prevent you from getting in to certain forums. If not, try pressing reset or closing he 'net and re-entering it. That sometimes is enough to sort the problem on my computer so worth a try. If you are still having problems let me know and I'll see if there is anything else stopping you getting in, though I can't find any of the normal forum based problems stopping you.
Post by elsieoverthemoon on Nov 23, 2005 13:13:13 GMT
Kitten: that happened to me earlier too, dont worry, i put it down to a blip on the net, so i turned off comp and made a cup of tea!
Post by Kitten on Nov 24, 2005 0:21:51 GMT
YEA!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D thanks Memphis and Belle for your suggestions!! I'm back in, although I'm not sure what caused the trouble... mom said that she will check her settings, but she's thinking that it was a blip with MSN. *goes off dancing around the site* elsieoverthemoon: thanks for the tea idea...i hate not being able to visit here and talk with you guys!