Post by Belle Pullman on May 28, 2005 23:50:50 GMT
Well, it's all quite exciting, isn't it? I've only explored a few of the new things so far... The calendar announces everyone's birthday, and has them at the bottom of the first page. Rather cool, especially if like me you can write out someone's birthday, have a dozen post-it notes all around, and STILL forget! Everyone now has a Karma count, and an "Exalt" (positive) and "Smite" (negative) choice. It seems you have one vote a day for Karma. If someone's posted something really interesting, useful, or enjoyable, then boost their Karma. On the other hand, if someone's posted something incredibly irritating, stupid, or ill-thought out, then you're free to smite them a little. But let's keep this constructive- if someone's getting smited, then try to suggest to them why this is. One of the many little options under the "Modify Profile" page is a choice of skins. Look hard, it's there... It allows you to choose the entire appearance of the forum. At the moment there's only two real choices - the Default is also the Starlight UK- the purpley layout based on the UK tour logo. There is also a second option of "Belle's Domain", the red and black theme that matches my website. Logically I think that should be the default to help streamline the forum into my website. But I haven't changed it yet. I'm also planning other themes, based on show logos. Maybe a nice fiery We Will Rock You theme, goldern green and black Cats eyes, and cyan blues of the OLC StEx?
Post by Jewel on May 29, 2005 0:06:15 GMT
I added to your karma for that informative post. It works!
Post by Memphis on May 29, 2005 1:47:51 GMT
Question is, if someone is either exalted or smited (is that a word? ) a certain amount of times does anything happen? -25 and you get a friendly warning, -50 and you get a no so friendly warning, -100 and you get tracked down by the rabid zombies and eaten alive? and therefore +25 you get a pat on the back, +50 you get a lollipop +100 you get to play with the rabid zombies and teach them manners? We also now have a spell check HOORAY! I will certainly be using that and hope others will too... and apparently 'smited' isn't a word, but I like it so it stays ;D
Post by Jewel on May 29, 2005 10:10:46 GMT
Weeee, spell check works, and it doesn't want me to capitalise words when I'm not in the mood. ;D I wonder what it will do to 'weeee'. Good question about the rating system by the way. If 50 positive karma points get me a lollipop, I'm all for it.
Post by Wrench on May 30, 2005 9:35:56 GMT
Smitten? Smote? Smitten sounds more active but I think they're both past tense smite...
Post by rocky1stex on May 30, 2005 23:43:53 GMT
hey belle cant accessm the forum!