Post by Belle Pullman on Sept 9, 2007 14:55:37 GMT
ok, not everyone asked to be in the casting, but I've cast them anyway!
Pearl: Ceri Dinah: Dinah Ashley: Forest Buffy: Piz Belle: Chloe
Rusty: Heowa Poppa: Starman Greaseball: James Electra: Jeremy
Rocky: Starlight Lover Hopper: Kovitlac Flattop: B-Chan Dustin: Jewel Caboose: Wandering
Krupp: Fox Wrench: Wrench Purse: Boose Boy Joule: Toxic Volta: Tika
Bobo: Caro Espresso: KK Ruhrgold: Caby Turnov: Krissi Hashamoto: Rusty Prince of Wales: Alanacat Trax: catslover1
Electric Component
Posts: 33
Post by jaxx on Sept 13, 2007 20:05:37 GMT
hey folks, this is what i've got so far but may change as im fairly indecisive!
Pearl: ceri Dinah: dinah Ashley: Buffy: Belle: Belle
Rusty: jeremy Poppa: Greaseball: Electra: toxic
Rocky: Hopper: Flattop: Dustin: catslover1 Caboose:
Krupp: Wrench: wrench Purse: Joule: Volta:
Bobo: Espresso: Ruhrgold: Turnov: Hashamoto: Prince of Wales:
Post by Piz on Sept 13, 2007 20:20:48 GMT
Pearl: Ceri Dinah: Heowa Ashley: Cryingdi Buffy: Kovitlac Belle: Rusty: Caro Poppa: Belle Greaseball: Boose Boy Electra: Jeremy Rocky: Forest Hopper: Woodyfan Flattop: KaptainKarrot Dustin: Starlightlover Caboose: Krupp: Wrench: Wrench Purse: Toxic Joule: Volta: Fox Bobo: Espresso: Ruhrgold: Jaxx Turnov: Martina Hashamoto: Prince of Wales: B-Chan Trax: Kitten/ Catslover1 I´ll change some things... maybe...
Post by Ceri on Sept 13, 2007 22:15:30 GMT
Pearl: Krissi Dinah: Dinah Ashley: Buffy: Forest Belle:
Rusty: Poppa: Belle Greaseball: Electra: RollerBoy
Rocky: Hopper: Starlightlover Flattop: Boose Boy Dustin: Piz Caboose: Wandering
Krupp: Memphis Wrench: Wrench Purse: Toxic Joule: KaptainKarrot Volta:
Bobo: Espresso: Ruhrgold: Turnov: Hashamoto: Prince of Wales: Heowa Trax:
Still not complete, and unlikely to be so in time at this rate. Anyway...there's my list so far that I've been working on...not still not finished. ^^;;
Post by toxic on Sept 13, 2007 23:39:30 GMT
okay, here goes mine...although I'm still waiting for new entries to rearrange and fill in the gaps... Pearl: Ceri Dinah: Dinah Ashley: kovitlac Buffy: Forest Belle: Belle Rusty: Heowa Poppa: jewel Greaseball: Caro Electra: Jeremy Rocky: Starlightlover Hopper: Woodyfan Flattop: B-Chan Dustin: Catslover1 Caboose: ? Krupp: KK Wrench: Wrench Purse: ? Joule: Piz Volta: Krissi Bobo: Boose boy Espresso: caby Ruhrgold: Jaxx Turnov: Martina Hashamoto: Fox Prince of Wales: Wandering Trax: kitten
Post by Woodyfan on Sept 14, 2007 14:07:09 GMT
Pearl: Ceri Dinah:Heowa Ashley:Cryingdi Buffy:Caro Belle:
Rusty: Poppa:Belle Greaseball: Electra: Jeremy
Rocky: Hopper: Flattop:Piz Dustin:Starlightlover Caboose:
Krupp: Kaptain Karrot Wrench:Wandering Purse:Toxic Joule: Volta: kovitlac
Bobo: Espresso: Ruhrgold: Turnov: Hashamoto: Prince of Wales: Trax:
Sorry that´s not quite much... I know
Post by jeremy on Sept 15, 2007 0:04:01 GMT
Pearl: Ceri Dinah: Dinah Ashley: krissi Buffy: Piz Belle: Belle
Rusty: Heowa Poppa: forest Greaseball: James Electra: saffity
Rocky: Starlight Lover Hopper: Kovitlac Flattop: B-Chan Dustin: Jewel Caboose: Kaptain Karrot (because she lubbs him so)
Krupp: toxic Wrench: Wrench Purse: Boose Boy Joule: fox Volta: Tika
Bobo: martina Espresso: caro Ruhrgold: Caby Turnov: catslover1 Hashamoto: Rusty Prince of Wales: Alanacat Trax: memphis
Post by kovitlac on Sept 16, 2007 4:05:44 GMT
Pearl: wandering Dinah: StarlightLover Ashley: Buffy: Belle:
Rusty: Poppa: Greaseball: Electra:
Rocky: Hopper: Flattop: Dustin: catslover1 Caboose:
Krupp: Wrench: Purse: Joule: Volta:
Bobo: Espresso: Ruhrgold: Turnov: Hashamoto: Prince of Wales: Ceri Trax:
Post by Belle Pullman on Sept 16, 2007 16:49:19 GMT
Pearl -Ceri u/s Hopper Dinah - Dinah u/s Wrench Ashley - Cryingdi Buffy - Forest u/s Dinah, Rusty, Poppa Belle - Belle u/s Poppa Rusty - Heowa u/s Dinah Poppa - Starman Greaseball - James Electra - Jeremy Rocky - Starlightlover u/s Ashley, Dustin Hopper - Woodyfan Hopper - Kovitlac u/s Ashley, Buffy, Krupp Flattop - B-Chan Dustin - catslover1 u/s Trax Caboose - Wandering u/s Pearl, Prince of Wales Krupp - KK u/s Joule Wrench - Wrench u/s Joule Purse - + Bobo Boose Boy u/s Dustin Joule - Toxic u/s Electra, Purse Volta - Fox Volta -Piz u/s Buffy Volta - Tika Bobo - Boose Boy plus Purse Espresso - Caro Ruhrgold - Jaxx Turnov - Martina Hashamoto - Rusty u/s Belle Princey - Alanacat Trax - Kitten
Swings: Krissi, Redcabeese, Caby, Memphis, Jewel, Chi, Elsie
Post by Forest on Sept 16, 2007 20:24:06 GMT
Wow, I go from elegant coach, to wise old man. Wahey! ;D Heehee this was much fun to do, thanks Belle!